How to Use Bleach on Hardwood Floors

Generally, Clorox® Bleach is suitable for disinfecting floors made of hard surfaces like ceramic tile, vinyl and linoleum — not marble or other porous surfaces.
Wood is porous and typically we only recommend bleaching exterior, finished wood surfaces, not interior hardwood floors.
Depending on your floor, a one-time-only bleach treatment might be OK. You would need to test a less visible section first so you know how the treatment will affect the floor.
It’s also important to note that you should always dilute Clorox® Bleach before using it. Never use it full strength for cleaning any hard surface or fabric.
If your floor is safe for bleach, follow these steps for disinfecting with Clorox® Bleach:
MixMix 250 ml of Clorox® Bleach with 5 L of water.
MopMop or wipe surface with the disinfecting solution.
WaitAllow the solution to stay on surface for at least 10 minutes.
RinseRinse and air dry.
You may also use Clean-Up® All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach as a recommended alternative for cleaning wood floors. Dilute 2 capfuls (total 100 ml) of Clean-Up® All-Purpose Cleaner with Bleach in a half pail of water (approximately 3 L). Mop or wipe surface and let stand for 5 minutes. Rinse with water for all surfaces that come in contact with food such as countertops, tables, and child’s plastic toys.
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